Increase revenue with eCommerce AI

AI Shopping Assistant
for eCommerce Platforms

AI Shopping Assistant

How Talkn works


Talkn engages your customers and helps them to make their ideal to purchase

AI recommendation

AI analyzes your products and product reviews to provide highly personalized product recommendations


Customers prompt Talkn to get AI-driven product recommendations based on their specific requirements

Refine the results

Customers refine the results and have a conversation with Talkn about the products they like.

AI Shopping Assistant

Reasons to employ eCommerce AI

A New Way to Shop

Provide next-generation shopping experience

Employ Talkn as an AI shopping assistant to provide a personalized shopping experience to all your customers.

Boost Revenue

Earn more via AI product recommendations

Make your customers buy more with personalized AI-generated insights about the products you offer.

Ease of Implementation

Enjoy fast results

with simple implementation

We just scrape your product catalog – and that’s it.

You can empower your store with eCommerce AI capabilities in an instant.

Get an AI shopping assistant

for your eCommerce platform